THE BEE FRIENDLY GARDEN: Bring Bees to Your Flowers, Orchard, and Vegetable Patch - UK
By Ted Hooper
Written by the internationally renowned beekeeper - Ted Hooper, this work features full-colour photography, alongside practical and informative hints and tips for beekeeping and gardening. It is a gift for all gardeners with a fully revised full-colour guide to choosing the right plants for a beautiful garden which bees will love to visit.
The Bee Friendly Garden also shows gardeners how to provide a continuous source of nectar and pollen, as well as how to maintain the perfect ecological balance in the garden - without using harmful products. The authors also provide practical information on where to find and how to keep bees, where to place hives in large and small gardens, and cultivation notes on over 300 trees, shrubs, and plants.
Sections on the safe use of pesticides and really bee friendly garden design round off this superb new volume.
Please note that this book is from the UK and plant selections are chosen with that country's conditions in mind.
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